Dr. Manav Wadhawan Gastroenterology Doctor in Delhi | Mespoir

Manav Wadhawan

Dr. Manav Wadhawan

Delhi, India

  • At Delhi's BLK MAX Super Specialty Hospital, general surgeon Dr. Manav Wadhwan consults.


  • In the field of surgery, he has more than ten years of expertise. Dr. Wadhwan earned both his MBBS and MS (General Surgery) degrees from Maulana Azad Medical College in Delhi, respectively, in 2001 and 2004. Additionally, he completed a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery at the Edinburgh, Scotland-based Royal College of Surgeons.


  • Dr. Wadhwan specializes in laparoscopic surgery and has used it to carry out a variety of difficult procedures. He has received training in robotic surgery and has used it to perform a number of operations.


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