Emsey Hospital Reviews | Mespoir

All reviews on Emsey Hospital
Patient reviews

Your trust is our top concern, so these reviews are from real people like you. We collect feedback only from our customers after getting medical services in the facility booked.

We publish both positive and negative reviews for you to make the best choice. Each review is moderated for compliance with Reviews & Comments Policy.

Reviews Emsey Hospital


''I recently had the privilege of receiving medical care at Emsey Hospital in Turkey, and I am truly amazed by the exceptional level of service and care I experienced throughout my stay. From the moment I arrived until my departure, every aspect of my treatment was handled with utmost professionalism, empathy, and expertise.''


''The staff at Emsey Hospital left an indelible mark on me. They were not only highly skilled and knowledgeable in their respective fields but also exhibited a genuine concern for my well-being. The doctors took the time to explain my condition and treatment plan in a comprehensive manner, ensuring that I was well-informed and comfortable with the procedures ahead. Mespoir's executive patience in answering my questions and addressing my concerns truly stood out.''

How Mespoir Can Help You

Mespoir is a leading global medical travel platform that provides assistance to over 8000 international patients every year:

Network Of Over 500 Hospitals

Mespoir has over 500 hospitals in its panel in over 10 countries ensure that the patients get to choose from many options.

Mespoir Concierge Support

Our experienced team consists of experience healthcare professionals and language experts who are available round the clock to assist our patients.

Discounted Packages

We negotiate with the healthcare providers to provide discounted packages to our patients and corporate clients. The discount ranges from 10% to over 30% in some instances.

No fees

Our medical travel consultations and concierge services are free of cost. We strongly thrive for complete transparency in the costs.
